Morpheus Wellness Sleep and Incontinence

Do you ever find yourself waking up multiple times a night to use the rest room?  Sure, for someone with urinary incontinence, this might be a normal occurrence, however the effects on sleep can greatly impact a person’s quality of life.  Did you know that after the age of 60, as many as 70% of people experience nocturia (frequent nighttime urination) causing them to wake up more than 2 times a night to urinate.  Nocturia is often missed people who have problems sleeping because people link nocturia to normal aging and report frequent urination to the gynecologist or urologist, not their sleep specialist.

Nocturia can cause disruptions in sleep patterns, contributing to nightly habits of getting up to use the bathroom upon awakening to prevent waking up again to urinate. Such habits further disrupt entering an REM (deep sleep) sleep cycle. Interrupting the sleep cycle affects many things including daytime brain fogginess, increased naps during the day, and lack of energy. Extending time intervals of uninterrupted sleep can improve sleep quality and lower the frequency of nighttime urination. In addition, specific bladder training exercise program will also assist in decreasing the urination frequency.

Certified sleep science coaches can guide you on lifestyle changes to promote normal sleep habits. Good sleep hygiene is a crucial and often overlook component of getting quality sleep. A certified sleep coach can help identify the many factors and behaviors affecting sleep that can be easily adjusted but are often disregarded as being normal behaviors. Something as easy as going to bed when sleepy can make a big difference in decreasing risk of falls and promote somebody to remain asleep.

Why Morpheus Wellness?

You can expect our incontinence and certified sleep coaches to incorporate a personalized wellness program to improve your bladder and bowel continence and sleep habits including:

  1. Training in pelvic floor exercises proven to strengthen muscles controlling bladder and bowel
  2. Education on continence products to promote hygiene
  3. Assessment of your sleeping environment
  4. Coaching on strategies to promote sleep hygiene